Ethereum Gas Calculator

Estimate your transaction costs on the Ethereum network.

Eth Gas Calculator

About the Ethereum Gas Calculator

The Ethereum Gas Calculator is a tool designed to help users understand and estimate transaction costs on the Ethereum network. By providing insights into gas prices and their impact on transaction fees, our calculator aims to demystify the often complex world of Ethereum transactions. Whether you're new to Ethereum or a seasoned user, our calculator offers a simple way to predict transaction costs and make more informed decisions.

Gas on Ethereum

Gas refers to the fee required to successfully conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the Ethereum blockchain platform. Gas prices are denoted in Gwei, which itself is a denomination of the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH).

The total cost of a transaction (the "transaction fee") is the Gas Limit multiplied by the Gas Price. Typically, the total transaction fee will be slightly more than the product of Gas Limit and Gas Price, as some extra units of gas are required for the "base" cost of a transaction.


Gwei - Short for Gigawei, or 1,000,000,000 Wei. Wei is the smallest denomination of Ether. Gwei is the most common unit when discussing gas prices.

Gas - Units of measure for computational work required to process transactions and smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

Gas Limit - The maximum amount of gas units that a transaction or smart contract operation can consume. It is set to ensure that operations do not run indefinitely.

Gas Price - Amount of Ether that the sender is willing to pay for each unit of gas. It is typically measured in Gwei.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to pay for gas?

Gas fees compensate for the computational energy required to process and validate transactions on the Ethereum network. These fees go to the miners (or, in Ethereum 2.0, to validators) as incentives for securing the network and processing transactions.

How can I save on gas fees?

You can try to send transactions during off-peak times when the network is less congested. Also, using wallets or platforms that implement gas-saving mechanisms or batch transactions can help reduce costs.

Why are gas prices so volatile?

Gas prices fluctuate based on network demand. When the network is busy, users compete to get their transactions processed faster by paying higher gas prices. Conversely, when the network is less busy, gas prices tend to decrease.

What happens if I set a gas price too low?

If you set a gas price that's too low, your transaction may not be picked up by miners and can remain pending for a long time. If the transaction is time-sensitive, it's recommended to use a competitive gas price.

How is the default gas price determined?

Many Ethereum wallets and platforms use algorithms that analyze recent transaction data to suggest a default gas price. This ensures that the transaction is processed in a reasonable time based on current network conditions.

What is the difference between gas and Ether?

Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute operations on the Ethereum network, like making a transaction. Ether (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum platform. Gas fees are paid in Ether, with the cost being the product of gas used and gas price.

Can a transaction run out of gas?

Yes. If a transaction uses up all the gas allocated to it (its gas limit) before it completes, it will fail, and the used gas will not be refunded. It's essential to set an appropriate gas limit for transactions to ensure they complete successfully.